
Get Your Sox On!

We've got major Spring Fever here at the LouBeeDoo Household...  BAD.  It happens every year - you get one or two 50 degree days - a little taste of what's to come, and then wahh wahhhhh, back to Winter.  Boo.

So here's a couple adorable Emmy shots to remind us that Spring - and Baseball (!!!!) - are right around the corner.  Do enjoy.

Rarin' to go!

Pretty girl :)

Love and thoughts of Spring to all! 


  1. GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Adorable sox fan, got a new buddy to watch the games with :)

  2. YES! Maybe her first word will be YOUUUUUK!!!

  3. YAAAY! I KNEW it would fit someday!

    Keep on keepin on LouLou bits! GO SOX!

  4. Isn't it perfect?!? And it fits her right on time! :D

    Thanks Auntie Snap! ;)

  5. She is so freaking cute. Please bring her here for me to snuggle. And I have that oval mirror you have on your wall, but mine is not white.

  6. Aww... We should come down there! If Jonas and I can't, we'll ship Emms down with Bobby to collect her snuggles! :D

    LOVES that mirror. I think I got it at the Walmarts? It had damage on the back so I got it for a steal :)
