
Serger Seat!

So in one of my last Tuesday Temptations, I showed yall this awesome little serger quilt from Craftiness is Not Optional:

So yesterday in a fit of I-just-need-to-sew-something-right-now, I made one!

She's a little wonky, but I like her.  :)

I love it!  It's so Springy!  Plus, it really makes it easier to maneuver the serger around on my desk.  Thanks to Jess for another super cute idea!

Have you seen her Charlotte Dress?!  Adorbs!  Perfect for Easter I think...

Yeah, that's probably going to the top of the to-do list. :)

Happy Monday, all!


  1. Very cute! I made Christmas dresses for my two girls, and it was kind of hard for me--I'm not used to dealing with "fancy" fabrics.
    Maybe I'll be brave enough to try to spit something out for Easter! Plus, it's late this year, so it gives me more time :)

  2. Kim, thank you. We're well :)

    Steph, that's friggen amazing that you made TWO Christmas dresses! I really wanted to make Lou something for Christmas, but geez, you have to start like, in October :P I feel like an Easter dress could be a more breezy, cottony, simpler type, ya know? I think I'll give it a go :)

  3. I love it! the fabrics are amazing, and the wonkiness is just right! thanks for all the nice things you said too. :D

  4. Lol, thank you Jess!! Yeah, a little wonk never hurt anyone, right? :D

    Thanks again for inspiring! You are the cats meow :)
