
Oh, Hi!

Hello friends!

I'm just popping in to let yall know I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.  I will tell you it's been weird not having anything to link up to the Parties this week!  SADFACE!

Over the weekend we celebrated Emmy's FIRST Birthday!  Crazy!  Here is the princess in all her frilly glory:

No, didn't make her dress.  :)  Made her hair though.

I'll have things to share with you by the weekend.  I've had my arse handed to me this week with non-fun, non-craft related business, so I didn't want to post about nothing (sort of like what I'm doing right now).  Life happens, eh?

On a less bummerific note, did yall see Angry Chickens post the other day about PatternFile?!?!  Dude, it's awesome.  I subscribed and got to filing right away!  I was thisclose to starting an Excel Spreadsheet to keep track of my patterns...  LAME!  The only downside I've noticed so far is that vintage patterns aren't in the database.  And at this point I'd say 40% of my patterns are vintage.  But, no worries really, you can manually add the pattern if it doesn't come up automatically!  Holler!  I love it and I'm just getting started.  Check it out!

Oh, I also added an 'About Me' page up top there finally.
Ok peeps, I'm out.  I'll see you soon :)

Love to all, 


  1. Happy 1st Birthday Emmy! She is soo stinking cute! Those cheeks....

  2. Thank you Kristie!!! :D

    Yep, we love us some Emmy cheeks. Deeelicious.
