
Allll sorts'a cute


How was everyones Memorial Day?  It was hot HOT hot here!  And the pool's not open yet, so that's not good.  :P

We went over to my sisters house and watched Emmy play in the sprinkler - and it was lovely.  :)  I also got about 20 minutes of sewing in in the morning!  YAY!

This guy ^^ paid me a visit while I was sewing!  Isn't he gorgeous?!  :D

And this little darling got a new hair bow!


Look at that face.  If you say "Say cheese, Emmy!", you get this precious mug.  :)


I used Funky Polkadot Giraffes' Bow Tie Hair Clip tutorial for this, but I just made it bigger... Like Minnie Mouse big.  :D  I didn't actually measure the pieces I cut, so I couldn't even tell you!  Next time I make big ones like this, I'll measure and share.  ;)


So cute!



Hope you all had a great long weekend! 
I sure did!  NYC pictures to come... :D


  1. Love, love, love the hairbow! And the ruffle hiney on the suit!

  2. the hair bow is so cute! And I also love her cute swimsuit! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  3. Thank you Kim & Nikki!! :D

    Yeah, you really can't beat a ruffeld hiney!

  4. Love this! What a cute little model for that great bow you whipped up, and seriously, do you think you could find a cuter swimsuit next time? Jen @ www.icantstopcrafting.blogspot.com

  5. I must agree... what a cute bathing suit... I wonder where she got that? ;)

    oh and PS - "Say Cheese" is sooo my new screensaver

  6. Hehe! Thanks Auntie Booboo! :D

  7. wow, i'm amazed you got that shot of the bird, well done!!

    Just wanted to let you know I changed my blog url from eating in winnipeg to http://thesweetdetail.blogspot.com/ hope to have you come over there and follow me there :)

  8. It is so cute!! Love a big bow!! I am visiting from Sugar and Dots and I love what you came up with! I am hoping you will come to my blog Friday and link it up to my Delicately Constructed Fridays!!
    Thanks so much and have a great week!

  9. She is a cutie!!!
    I love the bathing suit!! where did you get it? I need to go bathing suit shopping for my little princess and I love that one!! :) please share!
