
InstaFriday 1.11.13

Happy Friday everyone!  I love how Fridays KEEP HAPPENING.  That's awesome.

Here's a peek into my week in Instagram pictures, and I see no better place to start than with bacon.
Bokeh bacon.

And here's Emmy gathering all the supplies needed to make "aes an toes".  Translation: Eggs and Toast.
Looks complicated!  So much oil!  So much balsamic!  

Nothing too exciting here, just dying a light pink sweater navy.  It came out great, but it's just so boring, too boring to blog about.  I did however stab my finger with thread snips whilst removing the buttons from said pink sweater.  THAT was exciting, tell you what.  

Do you guys ever dye things?  I sort of love doing it.

Em eating her 'bokily chees noos' (broccoli cheese noodles) and wearing her Flower Crown!
Thrilled by how much she loves her crown.  #proudmama 


The shameful state of my sewing room.  I am swimming in fabric.  I need to sew.
I think that's what I'll do this weekend - sew 'til I can't sew no more!

The reason I have these HUGE cuts of fabric is because when I started my Shop (currently closed due to curator's mental one-eighty), I was planning on selling the clothing that I designed and made.  But I have decided, finally and definitively, that I will be designing and selling children's clothing sewing patterns instead.

And I am so, SO EXCITED.

Everything began to fall into place on this wonky path I've been on, and for me, things falling into place without too much effort is a sign that you're doing it right.  So, forward I shall move.

I hope you all have great weekends!



  1. Loved the randomness of this posting and I'm with you--when things fall into place without too much wrestling and wrangling, that must be the right path. Excited to see the children's clothing you come up with. I designed and sold children's clothing on ebay several years.

  2. When my kids were little, I sewed like a mad woman... can't wait to see where this path takes you!

  3. Thank you so much, Karey and Hollie. Your encouragement means a lot to me!
