
Reversible Zippy Hoodie - A Sew Fab Pattern!

This post contains affiliate links.  When you purchase the Sew Fab Bundle through those links, I earn a percentage of the sale.  Thank you so much for supporting the Sew Fab Sale and LouBeeClothing! 

Happy Friday, friends!

Today I'm bringing home a project that I made for the amazing series called When We Were Young - the brainchild of Suz of sewpony.

For my contribution to that incredible series, I made Emmy a Jacket resembling one I had as a child!
Check it out - me on the left, Em on the right!!! ...

WHY do I not still have those BOOTS!?

This jacket was sooooo, so fun to make!

When the time came to pick or make a pattern to resemble the jacket from my youngin' days, I was a little unsure about what would work best - I wanted to do a really good job and try to make this jacket last a long long time.  Thumbing through my box'o'patterns, I froze when I saw the Reversible Zippy Hoodie from Kitschy Coo, that I bought years ago.  A completely perfect match!  Amanda (of Kitschy Coo) and I have since become good friends, so I'm really so happy I was able to put her pattern to use on a project that means this much to me.

When planning how to go about this jacket, I knew I didn't want to make it a Winter jacket per se.  I wasn't sure a FULL ON puffy coat was something I was interested in constructing.  So I thought maybe sweatshirt fleece, and just make a traditional hoodie essentially.

Ultimately a happy medium was reached when I called my local Jo-Ann store to see if they had pre-quilted cotton solids, to sort of get the same 'feel' as the original.  Clearly, they did!  And it was really easy to work with, surprisingly.  Not too thick, but thick enough for pumpkin picking and hayrides.  And perhaps the occasional Octoberfest.

The Reversible Zippy Hoodie is a part of the Sew Fab bundle - a collection of 26 patterns for just $29.95.  It's a bargain of epic proportions - something like $1.15 per pattern?!?!

And read more about it HERE.

The pattern itself is amazing, let me just get that right out there.  I have NO IDEA how Amanda figures out how to reversible-ize *literally* everything.  Mind blowing.

Even though it is reversible, I opted against a reversible zip and just lined the jacket per the instructions with a beautiful blue plaid that I've been hoarding for juuuuuust the right project.  I think it's a nice match!

The ribbon trim and faux-fur are also from Jo-Ann.  The metal zip was miraculously in my stash.

Emmylou LOVES her new jacket!  These pictures were taken on a 75 degree afternoon, and when we were done phtoshooting, she didn't want to take it off.  That's a win, folks!

I can't recommend this pattern highly enough.  I'm looking forward to making a proper reversible version!  Maybe for the upcoming Kids Clothes Week?

Have a great weekend, everyone!  And stay tuned - there's a big ol' Bimaa Sweater pattern tour announcement coming SOON!

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  1. I absolutely adore your version! And the cute backstory too, that's a fun series :)

  2. I love the vintage look of the coat - it looks amazing! Great job! I am excited to try the reversible hoodie from the bundle, but first a Bimaa sweater... :)
