
The Bimaa Tour - LBG Studio & I Seam Stressed

Good morning! 
If you missed it, last night I posted the Bimaa Hoodie-with-ears tutorial!  Check it out - it's really easy and heaps cute!

Today the Bimaa Sweater Pattern tour is off to two fabulous destinations today...
The first is Vanessa of lbg Studio!  Vanessa's is one of the most beautiful blogs out there.  Her impeccable sewing would look just fine washi-taped to a wall, but no. No no no.  The photos and overall vibe of lbg Studio is just dreamy and ethereal and ahhhhh.  Check out Vanessa's Bimaa!

Next up today is Tasha of I Seam Stressed!  Tasha is a new friend, and I LOVE her sewing projects!  She has a mega talented eye for fabric pairings (see?), and I am head over heals in love with what she's come up for her Bimaa!  Head over to see!

Wahoo!  What a great tour so far!  I love alllllll of the Bimaa's!

More tomorrow!

Have a great day, all!
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