
Winner Winner!

Good morning all!

So I did the Random.org thing (how do people show the results box on their blogs?  Is it like a screen capture thing?), and the winner of the Pillowcase Dress goodies is...

Woohoooo!  Congrats Kristen, I'll be emailing you shortly!
And thank you everyone else for entering the Giftaway! :D

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Mine friggen' flew by.  Hate when that happens!  But in exciting geek news, I'm getting a new laptop this week!  WOOT!  My old one is self-destructing at an incredible rate of speed, so the time is now.  I'm going to take advantage of the deal at Staples where they transfer all of your files (pics, music, everything!) to the new laptop for free!  That deal goes until April 2nd, if anyone else is in the market. 

Only bummer about that is the turn-over rate at my local Staples is 3 days!  :O 
So I'll be sans computer for the majority of the week.  But, it'll sure be nice to have a computer that doesn't shut itself down with a scary "ZAP!" when you look at it funny.


Have a nice week everyone! 

Love to all,

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