
New Computer & a New Site!

Hey all!

I dropped my laptop off at Staples yesterday, and should have my new one - complete with all of my pictures and music and whatnot  - by Thursday or Friday!  WOOT!

So in the meantime I thought I would just pop in [from my work computer... shh] to tell you about this new site that Tara from The Trendy Treehouse has started!  It's called Make it Sew it Love it!

She's compiling all of the FREE patterns, tutorials and projects from around the CraftBlogosphere!  Great idea, no?!  Aaaand, she has kindly added my Pattern Weights tute, and my Lucky in Love Onesie tute!  Yay!!  Thank you Tara!  Awesome site.  :)
If any of you have anything to add, pop on over there & fill out the contact form!  Easy peasy!

And just because it's adorable, here's a picture of my darling Emmylou eating her first grilled cheese sandwich.

G'day.  :D

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