
Sunshine Sunsuit in ACTION!

Photoshoot time!  :D
Here's Emmy in her Sunshine Sunsiut!  It's bonkers cute, if I do say so :)


Cup of water + Mama saying "nononononono" = This face.

Well played, Baby.  Well played.

Armed and dangerous...


So, whadaya think?!  :)


  1. I love it! Super cute and summery and airy and light. Adorable! Welcome back!

  2. That is too precious! She's adorable! I was saying Nooo to the screen too b/c I thought it was coffee. Whew! :) Makes me want to have another girl!

  3. Too Cute!!! I love it!! :)
    btw I never told you I got those sewing patterns but now guess what? :(
    my sewing machine broke! so until I get a new one (maybe my birthday in september) I won't be able to use them :(

  4. Love the bright sunshine-y suit. Your daughter is adorbs in it! What a very happy color! First time visitor - sorry to here you went through such a destructive and scary thing. Way to plug away at this happy little gem to get through it!
    I'd love for you to link this to my party!

    "Life's a Picnic!" party!

  5. Absolutely too cute for words! Well done! Thanks for linking up with Creative Me Monday at The Southern Institute!

  6. oh so superduper cute!! :) and how cute are her little shoes! :)

  7. So stinkin cute!!! I want one! Not sure I'm THAT good at sewing though!

  8. Oh it's so great ! It's too bad for me, i have not a child ! But, thank you for your creativity and your knowledge to make, i love, and i think this jumpsuit could be great for an adult too (obviously, it will not be as cute than your sunsuit, but why not ???)

  9. hey! do you sell these? thanks

  10. omg this is sooo adorable! :)its such a lovely colour too! ur little angel looks like a little ray of sunshine:)
