
The Bimaa Tour - Adirondack Inspired & Sew Chibi

Good morning, and a happy Wednesday to you!

Today on the Bimaa Sweater Pattern Tour, we have two ladies whose aesthetics are all their own - I can spot a creation by either of these girls from a mile away!  And that's a good thing!

First up is Monica from Adirondack Inspired.  If you have never been to Adirondack Inspired - clear your morning and refill your coffee cup.  Monica sews beautiful clothing for her babes and also shares stunning pictures from the gorgeous place she calls home.  Check out Adirondack Inspired's Bimaa!

Next up is Kat from Sew Chibi! Kat's imagination is limitless as far as I can tell, and her girls are the lucky recipients of the fantastical creations she makes.  Kat has sewn a liquid pouch into a dress, you guys.  She sews with liquid.  Incredible.  So of course, her Bimaa creations are amazing, too!  Check them (yes, there are TWO) out!

I am LOVING this tour!  Everyone's spin on the Bimaa Sweater is different from the next.

Check back for the next set of ridiculously talented seamstresses!

Enjoy your day!
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