
The Bimaa Tour - Imagine Gnats and Call Ajaire

Goooood morning!

Welcome to day two of the Bimaa Sweater Pattern Tour!

Today I'm excited to have my friend Rachael, of Imagine Gnats, here to show you her AWESOME take on the Bimaa!  Rachael has a wealth of creative goodies on her blog, and quite an impressive selection of fine fabrics and patterns in her Imagine Gnats Shop (the cotton lawns are to die for!).  Definitely poke around while you're checking out her Bimaa!

Also touring with us today is the lovely Allison from Call Ajaire!  Allison makes the most adorable clothing for her daughter, and I am ever inspired by her sewing skills.  She knows how to smock, for crying out loud!  Poke around Call Ajaire, and be inspired, too!  Look, her Bimaa matches her gorgeous daughters eyes!  Swoon.  :)

Have a fantastic day, all!  Check back tomorrow for MOAR Bimaa creations!

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  1. ack! look at that cute bean :) and thanks for having me on the tour!

  2. I purchased the pattern bundle, got my sweater cut out and now it says link has expired. Please help. dianne
    jmclean@mymts.net All other patterns seem to be fine
