
The Bimaa Tour - Crafterhours & On {the Laundry} Line

Hello, and happy Saturday to you all!

The Bimaa Sweater Pattern Tour rolls on today!  Side note - when I emailed potential touree's for this tour, I had no idea how many "yes!"'s I would get.  I got a ton!  I am so thankful for everyone who is participating in this tour, and it's totally amazing to see everyone's versions.  So in order to fit all the good lovin' in, we're using today and next Saturday as tour spots.  Cool?  Cool.

First stop today is Adrianna from Crafterhours!  Due to Adrianna's kicking ass over here, she wasn't able to finish up her Bimaa post, and I cannot blame her!  Adrianna is a mega talent behind the sewing machine, and I'm honored she wanted to be on my tour!  She has promised to share her Bimaa with us once she's able to.  Funny coincidence... Adrianna has actually already made a Bimaa!  It was for Sewing Like Mad's great series Sewing For Kindergarten, and you can see it HERE!


Next stop today is Laura from On {The Laundry} Line!  This girl.  Are you on Instagram?  If you are, and don't follow Laura (@lorchick), you are MISSING OUT.  She's hysterical, and her kids are a riot.  Laura's is a blog I've followed since I started following blogs!  LOOK at the Bimaa she's made for her oldest daughter:

So COOL!!!  Laura is also making Bimaa's for her other babes so do follow her blog to see more!

Tomorrow guys?  BIMAA EAR TUTORIAL.
Good day!

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  1. Eee! And I tried to add your small button to my sidebar btw but for some reason the internet is being a ding a ling a ling a ling.

  2. You are way too sweet given my total lameness. Once again, thanks for being so understanding and for sharing your awesome pattern!! My non sewing friend even asked me to teach her to sew just so she could make bimaas for her girls!
