
The Bimaa Tour - Kadiddlehopper & Alida Makes

Good morning, and happy Monday!

The Bimaa Sweater Pattern Tour rolls on for one more week, and today I have 2 incredible ladies whom I'm so proud to know, let alone have them review my patterns!

First up is Katie of Kadiddlehopper!  Katie is an absolute game changer when it comes to sewing.  She turned a Bimaa Sweater into a My Little Pony costume, and that's not even for her spot on this tour.  Game. Changer!  Katie's blog is post after post of gorgeous, impeccably sewn items for her son, daughter (EACH got a Bimaa today!), and herself!  Check it out!

Numero dos on the line up today is Alida of Alida Makes!  Alida is another super-mom (as are all of my touree's!), and she makes awesome clothes for her babes at an impressive pace! Also impressive - Alida's daughter Ellie's fashion sense!  Visit Alida for HEAPS of sewing eye candy, including this gorgeous Bimaa!

Thank you guys so much for visiting today!  Great tour right?!!?  I've loved every Bimaa I've seen!

Check back in tomorrow!

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  1. Thank you for having me! I thoroughly enjoyed sewing it!

  2. Both of these Bimaa's are so amazing!! Is it bad to want to make my own knock of off every version I see? :)
