
The Bimaa Tour - Petit a Petit and Family & Living With Punks


Today is the second to last day of all of these beautiful Bimaa's on parade!  This tour has been so amazing, and I have thanked my lucky stars each and every day that these women chose to join me in celebrating my pattern!  I am so grateful.  :)

First up today is Celina from Petit a Petit and Family!  Celina is an incredibly stylish and creative maker!  Her photography is stunning, her sewing is divine, and she is one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure to know!  I was floored when Celina sent me pictures of her Bimaa - Head over to Petit a Petit! 

Next up today is Susan of Living With Punks!  It was kind of moment when I saw that Susan signed up to be on this tour - I was a little star struck!  I have followed her blog for years (I still have her floor cushion on my to-do list!)!  And now Susan has sewn one of my patterns!  Can't deal!  And how adorbs!?:

Have a great Friday, everyone!

Meetcha back here tomorrow for the final day of the tour!

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1 comment:

  1. Awww thanks Sarah! What a lovely intro. SO happy you like my version of your amazing pattern. I cannot wait to see what else you'll be making for us. Thanks sooooo much for having me part of your tour.
