
The Bimaa Tour - Skirt as Top & Hungie Gungie

Good morning, and a happy weekend to you!

It's the FINAL DAY of the Bimaa Sweater Pattern Tour!  I just can't believe all of the amazing Bimaa's that have come out of this tour.  I am blown away by the mad skills of my tourees!  I thank each one of them so very much for being a part of this tour.

So, today!  First up is Kristin of Skirt as Top!  Kristin has two adorable (soon to be three!) babes to sew for, and her daughter reminds me of an older Emmylou!  On Skirt as Top you'll find gorgeous sewing, not only for kiddos, but Kristin also makes beautiful things for herself (like, gorgeous)!  But, today, it's all about the Magentaa Bimaa!

Next (and last!) up is Erin of Hungie Gungie!  Do you know that whole 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing?  Well, Erin and I are separated by like one degree.  And that one degree is a tiny pink cottage in Lee, Massachusetts where she used to live, and where I used to go to parties with my then boyfriend! Lol. We missed each other by like, less than a year. Apparently the blogging world is a really small one!  Anyway!  Erin makes the coolest clothes (this being a personal fave) for her impossibly adorable brood.  Behold - The Hungie Gungie Eared Bimaa!

So that's IT, guys!

Two incredible weeks of Bimaa's sewn by this crew of ladies I'm proud to call friends.

I think I'm going to try to make a pretty sweet round-up of all the Bimaa's from the tour.  I am having major computer issues though (of the I-need-a-whole-new-computer persuasion), so I don't know if a round up would be tomorrow or Monday.

Thank you all SO MUCH for touring along with me!  This has been just awesome.

Love love love,

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  1. Soooo many great versions of the Bimaa sweater! I made my very first Bimaa today, and both my daughter and I are IN LOVE!
    Please stop by my blog http://trollemors-hverdag.blogspot.no/2013/10/whats-all-fuzz-about.html
    and have a look:) I had to give you some love for this super pattern!

  2. Sarah, this tour was amazing! Every Bimaa the bloggers show us was lovely.

  3. Thanks so much for having me, Sarah!! Awesome tour. :)

  4. I LOVE your pattern! Just sewed it up today, super easy, super sweet, and my daughter loves it :D

  5. Hi Sarah,
    I fully enjoyed the Bimaa tour!!! Boy, do I ever love this pattern. I'm sure I won't be the first one to say this but can you please please please make an adult version??!!

    And I am so excited to show you my own little Bimaa creations. Please hop by if you get a chance!!! http://www.natandgang.com/2013/10/kids-clothes-week-bimaa-sweaters.html

