
Finished Objects in Action!

Happy weekend all!  :D

Here's a few shots of the Lucky in Love Onesie and the Birthday Dress with precious little bodies in them!

I love this big 'ole head :)

On the goooooo!

After taking about 30 pictures of Emmy running around (or sitting, as it were), and getting NO clear shots, I realized that it is absolutely time I learn how to use my fancy camera.  I 'read' the manual, but it's really hard to connect the dots without visual aid.  Enter Kristen Duke.  I purchased her Say NO to Auto! e-book, and it's SO great!  See for yourself here.  I'm going to have it printed and spiral bound at Staples tomorrow!  The nice gal on the phone said it would cost $3.99.  Wha?!?!  Awesome.  So stay tuned for better pictures!  Yay!

Leaving grahams in her wake...

And here is the gorgeous Baby H modeling her new Birthday Dress!  She loves it!  I'm so silly proud.  :)

Princess :)

Sewing for little ones is so rewarding... They just look cute in everything!

See ya later this weekend!  I'm hoping to bump out a few pillowcase dresses for LBG Studios' cause.  Check it out, if you haven't already :)

LBG studio

Love to all,


  1. SARAH! Not only are you amazingly talented and inspiring, you have a beautiful munchkin to model your wonderful creations! I can't help but smile ear to ear. Thanks for sharing, keep it up, and maybe you can start teaching classes so I can learn a few things. :) Love to all.


  2. Aw, Amanda! We love you too! Miss you so much! ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. I love your Lucky in Love onsie. Very cute. Love the "motion" in the pics. I can never get my little ones to hold still either!
    Amy @SistersoftheWildWest.blogspot.com
