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Birthday Dress

Happy Sunday yall!  I got some sewing done yesterday!  Woot!
I made this little dress for a co-workers' grandbabys' birthday.  Joyce, if you're reading this, this isn't for Haylee.  ;)

Oh, how I love it!

 This dress is McCalls 6055 - a really cute, really easy little frock.  I sewed the green version below, sans bedazzling.


The yoke on this thing was a beast.  I didn't end up sewing it as the instructions called for - I used the method found in Prudent Baby's Snappy Toddler Top.  I've made that top pre-blog with much success, so I just went with what I knew!  It turned out fine, methinks. 

Beast yoke.

I sewed three lines of stitching around the yoke, for what I was hoping would be a cute, boutiquey detail.  I tried to make it all swirly and wavy, but I kept zoning out and sewing straight!  Doof!  So it looks... interesting.  ;)

Detail of my ultra fancy stitching.  lol

I love how this dress came out.  It was a Saturday afternoon well spent.  :)

I hope the birthday girl enjoys it!

Love to all,


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