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Wee Linen Blouse

(((( *UPDATE! See the Wee Linen Blouse on a human baby HERE* ))))

A new blouse for Emmylou!  Oh you guys, I am SO proud of this one!
So proud in fact, that I took all my pictures at night and then [poorly] doctored them up, just so I could share this with you asap!  Let's say they're grainy and off-color because I wanted them that way because I'm a remarkable artist.  K?  :)

Oh hai little blouse!
I used this fabric, except in 'Baby Pink' which it looks like they're all out of now.  The stuff is like melted butter.  But still really easy to sew with!  Hoorah!

I used a lot of new-to-me techniques for this blouse.  One being a self lining!  And wow - I love, love how easy it was!  And the look of it - no bias tape, no little hems - gorgeous!  I referred to this great tutorial for doing the lining, and I will use it again and again!

Another supercute element I added was ruffle/flutter cap sleeves!  Could you just eat them?!?!  For those little buddies, I referred to another great tutorial, found here.  I had to do it a little differently though, since I was using the self lining.  I'm wicked proud of myself for figuring how to insert those little sleeves on my own!  :D

Button placket in the back!  I was going to use wooden buttons for a rustic-y, natural vibe, but my mom had these perfectly pink ones that I couldn't resist.  I'm loving the monochromaticness!  :D

I also attempted my first blind-hem, but something was wonky - it kept only catching one layer of the linen, even after maxing out my stitch width.  Frown.  I'll have to try that again on something different - such a lovely look!  So instead I just serged the bottom, folded up once and stitched!  Voila!

Might I also mention that I made this pattern?!  From scratch!  I measured my little model, and drew up a basic bodice pattern that I'll be able to use again and again.  I'm thinking about uploading it as a PDF...  would yall be interested in it?!  It's super simple, and can be jazzed up to your liking!  Sleeves!  Bow belts!  Ribbon trim!  Ruffles!  It might take me a little while to get on that, but I'll certainly do it if there's interest!  Holler atcha boo!

Alright yall, this blouse if off to party!
I'll try to get a shot of the missus wearing it this weekend!

Love to all,


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