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Galactic Cosi Swimsuit

Hello, and Happy Friday!

Today's an awesome day - it's COSI DAY!

When I first started seeing bits and pieces of the Cosi Swimsuit pattern coming together over on Suz's blog SewPony, I was SO. PUMPED. UP.  I had never had the desire to make Em a bathing suit until I saw this one.  It's just perfect!

Two super huge bummers to get out of the way.  One: my serger is in a bad, bad way and it ate my first Cosi. I need to get it tuned up before I ruin another thing!  Two: 5 minutes before this photo shoot, Em tripped knee first at about 30mph into a wrought iron candle stand (no lit candles involved!) and she was despondent. She wasn't hurt badly, but... you know. 4 years old. The struggle is real.

So that said, I did't get many pictures at all!  And I didn't successfully make the 3 Cosi's I planned to.  Le sigh. 

But this is no reflection on the pattern, which is truly fantastic.  It's actually like 10+ patterns in one!  The amount of style combinations you can put together to make your Cosi is bananas.  See:


For my super-simple halter version, I used this amazing galactic Lycra print from Spandex World.  The quality is so so nice ad substantial, and this particular print comes in other colorways!  The suit is lined with a super soft swimwear lining from The Fabric Fairy - another great source for swim fabrics.

The Cosi has wonderfully thorough instructions, and the pattern itself is drafted to perfection.  The fit of this suit!?  I couldn't believe it actually fit better than some store-bought suits Em has - and I MADE IT! There is nothing more satisfying than that. 

Nursing her wound, poor dear.

In the weeks leading up to this patterns' release, I gathered a respectable collection of swimwear fabrics, and made so many Cosi plans.  Once I get my act together, there will be many more of these puppies!  I'll be sure to share them. :)

I can't urge you enough to give this pattern a shot!  Suz has made swimsuit-making foolproof.  You can do it!  And don't let my serger woes scare you... you actually don't even need to use one - I am just a glutton for punishment it would seem.

Suz has also been kind enough to offer a coupon code - COSITOUR15 - for 15% off through the end of the Cosi Tour (psst, that's today!).  Head to the SewPony Vintage pattern shop and grab your copy!  Thank you, Suz!

And do check out the other, less grouchy/mortally wounded Tour participants:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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