Arrrrrriba! :D
I'm just popping in to say hi, and that there is sewing going on at la Casa de EmmylouBeeDoo. Just nothing 100% completed or photographed. I'm just about done with McCall's 5884, view A:
I sort of stalled out on it because it's flipping gigantic. I did some research on Pattern Review and was plenty warned that it's a big ol' blouse with a BIG OL' tie, but that's pretty much what I was going for. I love the giant tie, but I wasn't expecting the whole blouse to be so damn big! [Disclaimer: I have never, ever picked the right size when sewing for myself. It's the fear of making something too small and wasting fabric. Make a muslin you say? My patience and sewing time are scant, people. C'mon.] So that may have something to do with it being ginormous. We may never know. ;)
Anyhow, it's done except for the side seams and hem, so there's still time to talk it off the ledge. It's been a really easy sew, though! Only three pattern pieces and a handful of steps. I'll definitely make this one again, but like 3 sizes smaller. Yeesh. I'll give all the construction deets when it's done.
Also, wicked exciting, I am testing a new pattern for Mama Stellato! That should be done this weekend and I'll show yall that whenever I get the go-ahead from her! It's super cute. :) You can see things I've made using her Charlotte Dress pattern here, here, and here. Love!
Love to all,