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The Sewing Room Re-Reveal

So, I wanted to repost the grand room tour here in case you missed my big fat feature on Craftaholics Anonymous!

It looks a bit different now than it did when I first posted about it here.  It's much more lived in and stocked! 
So, here she is!  The sewing room in all her sewy glory!  :D

So first, a little background... This was actually my laundry room.  Still is, except the laundry goings-on live to the right of this picture.  And that's where they'll stay.  You're welcome. ;)
If you want to see some of the construction photos, check out this post.  

The actual area I occupy in here is only about 7 foot by 7 foot.  So, anyone out there who's short on space, let this be your inspiration!  You don't need a whole entire room to store a lifetime supply of fabric and patterns.  Trust.

 Here's my ironing area.  Beneath that is my Unfinished Business Box.  Sadly, it's at capacity.  Hanging above is my press cloth, a pattern I'm working on, and my favorite little sign.

   Under my ironing board to the left is a pot (?) where I keep my freezer paper and rolled-up patterns waiting to be traced... some embroidery hoops... a bookshelf with my glue gun and glue related paraphernalia, sewing machine manuals and books, fabric paint, dye, and a basket on top with all of my needles and feet and whatnot. 

Did you notice my ribbon holder?!  It's an old CD rack!  Holler! I highly recommend scooping one of these up if your out thrifting.  Most can be hung on a wall, and they are perfect for ribbon-housing.  Awesome.
And a hammer and pliers, 'cause every girl needs a hammer and pliers at the ready. 

Here's my desk!  And my Bro's.  :)  This desk is actually an old artists' desk that I've had since I was probably 12 or 13.  It's great.  It's super huge, and it has several little compartments on the right side there.  I didn't get a great picture, but those compartments are where I keep my scissors, rulers, pattern weights, etc.  Very handy indeed.

Getting to the good stuff!  To the left of my desk is my notions drawer unit.  On the wall above is a picture of my sweet Emmylou, and a thing (old spice rack?? No idea.) that is the perfect size for fat quarters.  Further to the left, my fabric and pattern shelves!  Gah!

This wooden shelf has [from bottom to top] a basket where I keep my vintage patterns, another basket with random crafty goodies, cottons for Emmylou, voiles and other lightweight fabrics, and finally flannel and corduroy chillin' up top until the fall.  And some yarn?  Ok...

The bottom part of the wooden shelf holds my large cuts of fleece, and other big, unruly items.

Close up of the notion drawers, and an antique sewing box to the right, gifted by my Aunt. :)

This here green metal shelf has really impressed me.  I totally didn't want to use it in here - it's hideous.  However, it's a workhorse and it holds SO much!  So, from bottom to top - knits and bottom-weights, various apparel fabrics, a basket with trims, another basket with all of my printed patterns - BurdaStyle and the like, a woven basket with the squares for this quilt, a box with my regular envelope-type patterns, and up on the tipy-top (not in this picture) are bolts of quilting cotton from my momma!  They're great for testing things out, and they're cute.  Win.

Now here's where we get really fancy!  I used to keep all my silky fabrics folded like the other fabrics, but they never stayed put.  So, I got some tiny bungee cords and attached them to said workhorse shelf, and that's how I keep my silkies cooperative!  And they're so pretty to look at like this, not all slumped over one another.  

Close up of the bungee action.  Excellent.

So that's the grand tour!  Whaddya think?!  I am madly in love with it, and wish I could spend every waking moment here.  Ahhh... :)

I have to thank my step-father and my uncle again for creating this space for me.  THANK YOU BOBBY AND KEVIN!  I'm so lucky to have you guys [and your disturbing willingness to tear walls down at any given chance].


Love to all,


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