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Selfish Sewing!

At last, I made myself something!

Before I started this blog, I actually exclusively sewed for myself.  I was so scared to sew baby clothes!  In my defense, Emmy was like the size of a puppy back then, so yeah.  Too small.  :)  Now she's fun to sew for.

Annnyway... Here is the finished McCalls's 5884

Head cropped per order of Hot-Mess Police.
I LOVE the huge bow.  Love it. 
Like I said in my last post, I cut this top way, way too big.  Which I always do - need to stop that.  But I hadn't sewed the side seams or the hem before I realized the ginormity of it, so I was able to take it in.  Phew!

I am not a model.  Just realizing this.
I used a pink floral rayon from Jo-Anns clearance.  They seem to always have some variation of this fabric at my local Jo-Anns, and I dig it.  I have it in black, too.  It's buttery soft and super drapey.  Yum.

French seams!  I took out about an inch from each side seam.  AND, omg, my first ever rolled hem!  Let me tell you - I could have sat there rolling hems all flippin' night long.  So lovely.  I was litterally bummed when I finished the hem.  Ha!  I chopped off about an inch from the bottom - both to shorten the blouse and to account for the hem allowance.  The length is perfect now.  Awesome.

I also took the advice of one Pattern Reviewer and skipped a bunch of the collar/tie steps.  I just sewed it on right sides together (just like you would do in the first step of bias taping) and then serged that bad boy [I flipped that serged edge out in the pic above so you could see it.  It's not visible when I wear it].  The way the collar lays once it's on makes this method perfectly acceptable (to me, anyway).  :)

So there you have it!  A sewn garment for grown folk!  I also had the wherewithall to enter this into Rae's Spring Top Sewalong at the last minute, so that oughta be fun!  Hopefully people like it as much as I do!

G'day to you!

As always, partying HERE!


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