Shi Nali! |
Back in September Jonas and I drove out to Indiana with Lou to meet the Haag Family Proper!
We had such an awesome time... For only having a few days to spend, a slew of memories were made; at least for Jonas and I. I don't think Emmy can remember things yet.
But if she could, she'd remember her new bff's.
Xiomara! |
Nicholas! | | | | |
Oh Shi Heart... |
Their ages at the time -
7 months (Nick)
6 months (Emmylou)
and 5 months (Xiomara)
...and it was really interesting to see the differences in the three of them. Nicholas was the most verbal, by far! Emmy seemed to be the most comfortable with getting around, and sitting. And Xiomara, she was holding down the adorable quotient. Seriously, she is precious!
It was so fun meeting everyone. I've got memories from this trip that will last a lifetime! Thank you John, Dixie and family for the fantastic hospitality! We had a BLAST!
Chillin' in the heat, among the hummingbirds. |
8) |
Dixie! The most gracious Hostess. |
Nicholas, Elizabeth & Nancy! Hi! |
John! Best salsa West of the Mississippi. |
Word. |
Oh, Shilo! <3 |
I've left out a lot of pictures, but I'll get them posted eventually. We had so much fun, and can't wait 'til we can get back out to Indiana!
Now, time to plan for Emmy to meet the Fuson Family Proper! One month and counting! Eek!