Sorry for another lengthy absence, friends! This mess happened:
I'm in that circle there. We were out of power for SIX FREAKING DAYS. That's longer than the tornado.
Long story short, we got hit by a big epic snowstorm before the trees had time to drop all their leaves. So pretty much every tree within a hundred mile radius (probably more, actually) is half of what it was a few weeks ago. I think Mother Nature is trying to eradicate us. Fo realz.
But since there have been trees falling all around me for months, I figured, Hey! Let's make something outta all this timber! Here's a sneak peek - I'll write a non-half-assed post about it here soon. I've had no crafty/bloggy mojo lately - too much going on. But trust, I'll be back. Always am. :)
Wow. Sorry to hear about the power! That is one major mess! I love what you did with the tree though! Stay warm!