Hello, everyone!
Long friggin time, eh?!? It seems as though lately, whenever I feel like sewing, I have no desire to blog, and when I'm like "hey, I want to blog something!", I've got nothing sewn. I need to balance my chakras or something, I think. :)
I wanted to show y'all this super easy, super customizable staple that I made waaaaay back during the last Kids Clothes Week! Just like two months ago, NBD.
This yellow ray of sunshine is a Kitschy Coo Skater Dress turned long sleeved tee, with a little help from my Bimaa pattern!
To make the Skater Dress into a tee, I simply lengthened the bodice front back pieces by 5" and straightened the hem. I used the Skater arms, cuffs, and neckband. I used the Bimma waistband to finish the hem. This tee has a great, easy fit, and it's such a FAST way to add long sleeved tees to your kiddos wardrobe in knit fabrics that are more personalized than what you'd tend to find in stores!
Speaking of fabric, can you even handle this yellow Happy Girls print?! It's also from Kitschy Coo (I have this problem where I want ALL the Kitschy Coo fabrics and patterns. I know it. I'm in counseling. No I'm not, I just got some blue vikings knit to make Fancy Pants Leggings for my nephews - lol help ;) This print is so lively and sweet, and it adds some much welcomed sunshine to dark, cold winter days!
Old Gray Mare photobomb:
So there is one of my latest makes! Pretty darling, eh?
I hope you are all having wonderful winters, wherever you are located... And the happiest of holidays! Hopefully I'll be climbing back aboard this ol' blog of mine once the hecticness winds down.
The cutest.