Next (and last!) up is Erin of Hungie Gungie! Do you know that whole 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing? Well, Erin and I are separated by like one degree. And that one degree is a tiny pink cottage in Lee, Massachusetts where she used to live, and where I used to go to parties with my then boyfriend! Lol. We missed each other by like, less than a year. Apparently the blogging world is a really small one! Anyway! Erin makes the coolest clothes (this being a personal fave) for her impossibly adorable brood. Behold - The Hungie Gungie Eared Bimaa!
So that's IT, guys!
Two incredible weeks of Bimaa's sewn by this crew of ladies I'm proud to call friends.
I think I'm going to try to make a pretty sweet round-up of all the Bimaa's from the tour. I am having major computer issues though (of the I-need-a-whole-new-computer persuasion), so I don't know if a round up would be tomorrow or Monday.
Thank you all SO MUCH for touring along with me! This has been just awesome.