WOW. So much wow.
Thank you all so much for your kind words in response to my last post. I was floored by how many of you have felt the same way at one point or another. Your comments have uplifted me so much, and I feel rejuvenated by getting all of that off my chest. Thank you guys.
One thing I need to clarify though - Minnetonka was not responsible for that Pinterest mess. It was a Pinterest user. As I said, Minnetonka replied to my complaints right away, and they were almost as appalled by the situation as I was. A company of their reputation has no need to stoop to this type of behavior. So please, no need to boycott - they're not to blame. Rock your Minnetonka's proudly. :)
So - let's blog about adorable handmades again, shall we?!?!
Debbie's Birthday Dress + vintage plaid + polka dots = DAWWW!
So I actually made this dress months ago, but - you know... Life. I have been dying to share it! It's the glorious Debbie's Birthday Dress by the uber talented SewPony. It's a perfect, vintage inspired a-line dress with darling options. I think this was my first ever peter pan collar?! Why??! Nothing cuter.
Lol - I'm going to be a little watermark-crazy for the indefinite future, ok? Ok. :)
This was also my first go at plaid matching! I've had this beautiful heavy cotton plaid for so long. I'm not even 100% sure where it came from, but I think it was a thrift shop. The colors are just awesome, and it's a softsoftsoft cotton, so I was hoarding it in wait of the perfect pattern. This dress was it, for sure. The plaid matching wasn't too difficult, but I may or may not have 9 incorrectly cut half-bodices lying in a heap somewhere.
I do.
I didn't get any pics of the back on Em, so here is the back. So sleek:
I hand sewed a hook and eye closure, making the back opening almost invisible!
I HAD to take a picture of this - Emmy's tights from Target have like the exact same confetti thing going on as the aqua colored parts of the plaid. I can't even. I took a lunatic-style victory lap around my house when I paired these up.
Have you guys made this dress, too? So sweet right? I recommend this pattern super highly - it was a quick sew, and the instructions are great! And the result is such a classic dress for a lil' lady!
Pattern: Debbie's Birthday Dress by SewPony Vintage, size 3
Fabric: Vintage cotton plaid, navy polka dot cotton from JoAnn
Tights: Target clearance
Shoes: Carter's via eBay
Thank you guys again for your support and for your comments. I'm so excited to move forward.
Have a fab rest of your weekend! Hot wings and Patriots happening over here!