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Marie Progress!
Seeing as how I have nothing better to do, I decided to start piecing together my value quilt for Loubs today! It's AMAZING. Jonas helped me soooo soso much. It's the perfect job for someone so... mathematically inclined. No really, he really was awesome and loved putting all the lights and darks together. Drove him crazy, actually. In a good way. :)
I die. |
I did this much in about 15 minutes, which was SO motivational. I got to sew all day long - my Marie Skirt is half way done (more on that tomorrow) and this quilt is started.
Ahhhhh... feels good. My aim for this quilt is for it to be Emms first toddler bed blanket. So I have like, a year and a half to finish it. :) Awesome.
My inspiration for this quilt is here.
My fabric is Martha Negley's 'Mums', purchased here (though I believe she's sold out of this collection). I have 4 sets of these squares, and what you see up there is like, half of one set. Awesome x 2.
Emmys toddler bed is going to be a California King, if I hadn't mentioned that.
Love to all!
I need to put more "Sew" in my Sew-Alongs.
Out of the three sew-alongs I'm participating in, I have fabric cut out for only ONE! Dah!
It's the Marie Skirt, in yummy charcoal tweed. I bought a hot pink silky material last weekend to line the skirt, so that was my motivation to cut this project first. Hot pink lining. C'mon.
I do have my fabric picked out for my Pendrell Blouse (several fabrics, actually, but this one's first). I'll hack into it soon!
I'm still wavering between sizes to cut for the Pendrell, though. On Tasia's size chart, I'm in three different columns! EEK!

If I cut according to my bust measurement, I'll have like, a yard of extra fabric at my hip. And alternatively, I am in NO way ready to do a full bust adjustment (FBA) if I cut according to my hip measurement - seriously, baby tights are the most advanced things I've made so far [backpat]. So I'm not sure what I'll do there. Make a FBA, I s'pose. Doh!
And then, oh dear, the Vintage Sew-Along. I was going to make this dress:
And then, oh dear, the Vintage Sew-Along. I was going to make this dress:
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Unfortunately, I just don't think I'm ready. I want to and will make this dress eventually, I just can't tackle it at the pace I need to for this sew-along (whose time frame is 2 months, mind you. lol).
So, Plan B:
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I got this pattern for a song on eBay a few weeks ago (in my size, eherm), and look! It says 'EASY' right there on the front! Plus, I think it's ultra cute. I'm going to make the long-sleeved version and style it with belts and tights and boots and the like. Cute, no? I haven't chosen a fabric for this one yet. Dark solid? Fun floral? For Winter? Or for Spring? At the pace I'm going, probably for Spring, eh? ;)
This pattern seems easy and roomy enough to not have to make a muslin, so that being the case, I'd say I'm right on schedule with the Vintage Sew-Along! wOOt!
Love to all!
Love to all!
Pardon Our Appearance.
The Culinary Feats of a Ten Month Old
Seen here, mastering this device
, that I'm pretty sure is meant for a ten year old. She just pushes the little flaps aside, turns it upside-down, and viola! Noms fall out!:
Charlotte Dress the Third
Another Charlotte Dress (shirt)! I friggen LOVE this pattern! It's like instant gratification. Ahhh...
This time, I opted to jump on the Doily Bandwagon (circa 2010), and sewed this pretty little guy onto the most yummy stretch flannel ever. So cute, if I do say!
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Crummy night shot... :P |
How long is her hair getting?! So presh!
I don't intend to post frequently about personal/emotional things on this Blog - want to keep it light and crafty and Emmylouy. But I just want to take a little space in the world and say goodnight to my Nanny.
So, goodnight Nanny.
I love you so.
Jonas. As a 9 Month Old Girl.
And, as promised, here are her pigtail pictures! She was in serious go-mode at the time, so out of like 20 pictures I got, well...
The 'What are you doing to my head' Look |
Please disregard the Christmas flotsam & jetsam... |
Yep. These are the top picks.
I'll get her one of these days. :)
In the Works...
My most amazing, most thoughtful, most aware of my Amazon WishList husband ;) got me a serger for Christmas! !!! !! ! ! !!!! !
She's a beaut. It's probably the serger that most beginning sewist have... It's affordable and the reviews can't be denied.
And tonight, I threaded it! For those unfamiliar with sergers, the threading process is like brain surgery. Like Home Ec brain surgery.
But I did it!
Well, hello... |
Yay! Pink cones! |
Happy little chain! |
[side note... I also got an amazing new camera
for Christmas from my always-too-generous In-Laws. It's bananas. I am still learning the ins and outs of it, but I am SO grateful to be able to shoot pics at will - and not have that 'why bother' feeling because my camera is sucko. Not the case anymore. Thank you guys infinitely.]
So, now that I have about a 3% grasp of what this thing can do (my usual jumping off point), I have chosen this as my first serger endeavor:
M6194 and cute cute cute floral double knit. |
I'm trying the long sleeved tee shirt there, in that so-cute floral knit (which, coincidentally, I have enough of to perhaps make a similar [read: the exact same] shirt for me ;)
I have played around with the serger on scraps, both knits and wovens, and whoaa boy - it's awesome. I'm so excited to really dive in and make some goodies.
More to come! Including shots of Emmy in pigtails - her hair is growing like weeds! Sweet, sweet baby weeds!
Love to all :)
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