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The Culinary Feats of a Ten Month Old

Seen here, mastering this device, that I'm pretty sure is meant for a ten year old.  She just pushes the little flaps aside, turns it upside-down, and viola!  Noms fall out!:

Proud face :)

Geanie pretending not to notice the puffs all over the floor:

Finally, she's befriended the sippy-cup after months of 'no':

Investigation of new implement that sometimes has food on the end of it:

Raspberries and b-a-n-a-n-a-s!  Mmm!

Trail and error with said implement:

And finally, success and mastery:

Prefers raspberries.  Noted.

I don't want to leave mycraftyself out of any post (pshh, the thought!), so here's where I mention that I made her high chair cushions!  From scratch!   

[back pat]


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